[Nikon D700] 니콘 D700으로 촬영한 사진들… Post author:실루엣 스타일리스트 성형외과 전문의 황욱배원장 Post published:September 4, 2008 Post category:카메라 Post comments:0 Comments D700 관련 포스팅의 샘플입니다.사진을 클릭하시면 큰 사진을 보실 수 있습니다. 촬영정보는 따로 기록했습니다. 어느 애견샵에서… Nikon D700 + 50mm F1.4, Shutter speed 1/640, Aperture value F/1.6, ISO 400 Nikon D700 + 50mm f1.4, Shutter speed 1/800s, Aperture value f/3.2, ISO2,500. Nikon D700 + 50mm f1.4, Shutter speed 1/1000s, Aperture value F/1.8, ISO400 Nikon D700 + 105mm Micro f2.8, Shutter speed 1/250s, Aperture value f/5.6, ISO200 Nikon D700 + AF-S 17-35mm, Shutter speed 1/60s, Aperture value f/4.5, ISO600, Focal length 17mm. Nikon D700 + AF-S 17-35mm, Shutter speed 1/60s, Aperture value f/4.5, ISO600, Focal length 17mm. Nikon D700 + AF-S 17-35mm, Shutter speed 1/2500s, Aperture value f/4.5, ISO400, Focal length 17mm. Nikon D700 + AF-S 17-35mm, Shutter speed 1/2500s, Aperture value f/4.5, ISO400, Focal length 17mm. Nikon D700 + AF-S 17-35mm, Shutter speed 1/2500s, Aperture value f/4.5, ISO400, Focal length 17mm. Read more articles Previous PostWhite Balance (화이트 밸런스)… Next PostFujiFilm X-Pro1 3개월째 사용 You Might Also Like Nikon D70 + 18-70mm Bundle Lens (1) August 10, 2006 애니… 나에게는 너무 소중한 이쁜이 September 5, 2005 Nikon D70 + 18-70mm Bundle Lens (3) August 10, 2006 Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.